About Paradigm Shift Press

At Paradigm Shift Press, we are leading the way in transforming the publishing industry by putting cooperation, inclusivity, and sustainability at the heart of everything we do. We believe that publishing can be more than just telling stories—it can be a tool for economic transformation, driving systems change that benefits everyone involved.

Guided by the principles of Diamond Economics, we challenge the extractive models of traditional publishing by creating a cooperative platform where authors, editors, readers, and advocates become co-creators of value. Our approach goes beyond publishing books—we are building a movement that prioritises long-term sustainability and collective prosperity.

Our Vision

We envision a future where economic transformation and regenerative models are central to how industries operate. Our goal is to lead by example, using publishing as a platform to challenge the status quo and create new systems of value that work for people, communities, and the planet.

As Buckminster Fuller said, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” At Paradigm Shift Press, we aren’t just critiquing old models—we’re building a new one where inclusivity, equity, and collaboration drive the future of publishing.

By leveraging AI technology, global distribution networks, and a cooperative framework, Paradigm Shift Press seeks to lead the way toward economic transformation beyond transition through thought leadership —a future where business serves people and the planet equally.


Our Journey

Our first book, Diamond Economics, had the option of being published through traditional means. However, throughout the development of the frameworks detailed in the book, and by testing the model on our own publishing process, we realised that we had the opportunity to walk the walk.

Rather than promoting economic transformation without practising it, we made the decision to apply the principles of Diamond Economics to our own approach—ensuring that our publishing process is as cooperative, regenerative, and innovative as the ideas within the book. This decision led to the creation of a new publishing model that reflects our commitment to economic transformation.

We found ourselves in the classic chicken and egg scenario—how could we drive change in the publishing industry if we weren’t implementing the very ideas we were advocating for? By creating a publishing house that practices what it preaches, we turned our theory into action and built a system where readers, editors,authors, and advocates are stakeholders in the journey toward systemic change.

Why We Exist

At Paradigm Shift Press, we believe that publishing has the power to drive economic transformation and accelerate bleeding-edge ideas that challenge the status quo. Traditional publishing models often leave out some of the most innovative voices—the unusual suspects—those who may not have mainstream recognition but hold the potential to revolutionise industries and societies.

We exist to champion these voices and ensure that their ideas are not only heard but acted upon. In many cases, some of the most transformative ideas can take too long to emerge, hindered by outdated systems or lack of access. We are committed to accelerating the emergence of these cutting-edge concepts by providing a platform that amplifies underrepresented and unconventional thought leaders, as well inviting established authors to transition to a transformative publishing model.  .

Our publishing model breaks down the barriers that keep innovation from thriving. By prioritising inclusivity, shared value, and long-term sustainability, we empower authors, readers, and advocates to take an active role as stakeholders. This means that everyone involved contributes to the success of each publication and benefit from the success, ensuring that the most forward-thinking ideas reach the people and industries that need them most.

We are committed to supporting those who challenge traditional narratives and push the boundaries of economic transformation. By giving voice to the unusual suspects—those who may be overlooked by conventional models—we accelerate the impact of ideas that can shape the future.

Our model ensures that every reader, advocate, editor, and author is part of this journey, sharing in the value and creating real-world change. Together, we are building a system that moves beyond the limitations of traditional publishing, bringing innovative voices to the forefront and driving systemic transformation.

Traditional Publishing vs. Paradigm Shift Press: A New Model for Economic Transformation


AspectTraditional PublishingParadigm Shift Press
Business ModelExtractive, profit-drivenCooperative, regenerative, and inclusive
Author CompensationRoyalties often favour publishers; limited ownershipShared ownership, profit-sharing, and cooperative model
Control over ContentPublishers hold most creative and editorial controlAuthors retain more control and engage in collaborative decision-making
Reader EngagementReaders consume content with limited participationReaders can benefit as stakeholders and advocates
FocusShort-term profit maximisationLong-term sustainability, societal impact and systems change
InclusivityLimited opportunities for marginalised voicesActively empowers underrepresented voices to support new narratives
SustainabilityTraditional models often have high waste (physical books) and unsustainable practicesPrioritises digital-first and sustainable printing (e.g., print-on-demand)
InnovationSlow to adapt to new technologies and trendsIntegrates AI and innovative tools to enhance publishing and distribution and develop digital companions
DistributionPrimarily focuses on traditional retail outletsDual layered:
Digital-first distribution with transformative reach and cooperative marketing
Traditional distribution for market reach and promotion

Join the Movement

We invite you to become a part of Paradigm Shift Press—whether as a reader, author, or advocate. Our platform allows you to contribute to the movement for economic transformation, not just as a consumer, but as a co-creator. Together, we can lead the way toward a more inclusive, sustainable publishing model that benefits everyone.

Paradigm Shift Press is a publishing house registered in Norway Publisher number: 978-82-693882